Purina & more:trees

Upgrade from Standard to Eco Delivery and we'll plant 1 tree for each order placed. Eco Delivery reduces the carbon emissions of your order by over 40%, covering the last mile on foot, bicycle, or electric vehicle.
What is Purina doing?

What is Purina doing?

As part of our Eco Delivery partnership with (more:trees), we'll plant 1 tree for each order placed. Eco Delivery reduces the carbon emissions of your order by over 40%, covering the last mile on foot, bicycle, or electric vehicle.

So far, we've planted 422 trees in one of (more:trees)’ partner forests – currently in Madagascar, Haiti and Kenya. Each project meets the highest standards for forestry, reforestation and community impact. That equates to:

  • 126.6 tonnes of CO2 that will be absorbed from the atmosphere across the trees’ growth life (average/estimate)
  • 4 working days for the workers down on the tree planting projects

This project supports the United Nations' sustainable development goals.

Our greatest tools in the fight against climate change

Our greatest tools in the fight against climate change

  • Each tree will absorb an estimated 0.3t of CO2 across its growth life.
  • Their respiration patterns help regulate weather, thus reducing the likelihood of extreme weather events.
  • Its root systems and canopies help reduce flooding and desertification and the trees also support other plant life, wildlife and sea life.